

Flavors are intended for adding taste and aroma to food products and for enhancing the taste and aroma the product already has.

Flavors are added to food products in such quantities so that the content of flavoring substances would approximately correspond to their proportion in respective unprocessed products. If such quantities are noticeably increased the organoleptic properties of a food product worsen and the product’s quality is being lost. It is prohibited to use flavors to mask the food products’ aroma change due to their spoilage or poor quality of raw materials.

Food flavoring "Vanillin 505"

Food flavoring "Vanillin 505" does not contain substances with E-code. Stored in clean warehouses at an ambient temperature of no higher than 20°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

Food flavoring "Vanillin 707"

Food flavoring "Vanillin 707" is stored in clean warehouses at an ambient temperature of no higher than 20°C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

Nature-identical flavor «Vanillin»

Vanillin is a flavoring agent, flavor and aroma enhancer. Vanillin molecules correspond to the formula of natural vanilla, so vanillin is an aromatic substance identical to natural. Vanillin is much cheaper than natural vanilla.